University News


“My Disability, My Ability”, this was the theme during this years’ JOOUST Disability Day. The yearly event was the 5th of its kind since it was launched. The hugely successful event attracted a huge participation from regular schools, schools for children with special needs and community members.

Among the guests who attended the event included 10 Members of Parliament from the Committee on Labour and Social Welfare led by the Chairman Hon. Ali Wario. While giving his remarks the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Stephen Agong’ thanked the Members of Parliament for honoring their promise to celebrate this event with the University. “We are extremely grateful and deeply honored for accepting our plea in joining the University for the Noble Celebrations.” Prof, Agong’ expressed the desire of the university in setting up a regional center in Rehabilitation and Habilitation for Persons with Disabilities.

The Chief Guest for the event, Hon. Ali Wario expressed the interest in the committee in working with the University in safeguarding the rights of Persons with Disabilities. He expressed the fact that the committee as a whole had developed an interest in the Corporate Social Responsibility of the university through the noble cause of showcasing various talents displayed by persons with disabilities. “The Committee of Labour and Social Welfare will invite the University to give research input when setting up policies and legislation on the plight of PWDs”, Said Hon. Wario. The Committee pledged to set a motion in parliament for the establishment of a regional center for rehabilitation and habilitation for Persons with Disabilities.

Among the activities which took place during the one-day event were screening services provided by various partners who included Sabatia Eye Clinic, JOOUST PAPPS Project, Sagam Community Hospital and The National Council for Persons with Disabilities. The yearly event is organized by the Disability Mainstreaming Committee led by the Chairman Dr. Henry Onderi.