University News


JOOUST has partnered with VSO Kenya and Center for Health Solutions (CHS) to carry out awareness on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The campaign seeks to empower youths globally on ways to eradicate poverty and improve their livelihood.

Strongly supporting this course, the University led by Director Center for Gender Mainstreaming and Development, Prof. Mildred Ndeda appreciated the need to empower its students and staff on the importance of proactive incentives towards development.

VSO Kenya is committed to creating a world without poverty by working through volunteers to promote community development and deliver high impact developmental projects.

Some of the other SDG goals highlighted were: Quality Education, Decent work and Economic Growth, Reduction of Inequality and Health.  Kenya being part of Africa is among the countries targeted by the SDG goals initiated by the United Nations to engage member states fight poverty and improve their socio-economic livelihood.