University News


It was an educational fun day for Kakamega and Busia County residents as JOOUST Students’ theatre team that comprises the Drama club, Modern and Salsa dancers, and the University Student choir took to the two counties a live show of dances, straight talks and blended music presentations in a marketing day tour of the region.

The students who have chosen to use their talents to market the University, made stop overs to speak with and entertain the public in various markets including Umuluanda, Sabatia, Ekeero and Mumias town in Kakamega county and Nambale, Korinda and Busia Town in Busia County under the guidance of the Dean of Students Prof. Obel Gor Christopher.
The team will then set for Kisii and Nyamira Counties to reach out to potential students and parents in a bid to market the University.