University News


Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology Student Association (SAJOOUST) officials amended their constitution during a workshop held in November 10, 2018 in Migori County. The SAJOOUST leadership formed a constitution review committee (CRC) to spearhead the process that saw the officials amend articles 13, 18, 19 and 22 of the constitution.

“Constitution amendment is for posterity”, said the Dean of Students Prof. Christopher Gor while giving his opening remarks. He also encouraged the students to own the process and ensure its successful implementation by creating awareness to fellow students as a way of involving them on the same. The workshop comprised of representatives from the office of the Vice Chancellor and office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs, who urged the students to lay a good foundation as leaders while also reminding them to be strategic in their career development.

SAJOOUST president, Mr. Peter Ooro added that they were not making the amendments to favor anyone but to ensure effective service.

The team arrived at the following resolutions that will inform the amendment of the following articles as: Article 18, Sub article 6; Election shall be held any Friday between the 2nd and 3rd week of the month of February from the commencement of the 2nd semester. Exceptions shall be granted in case of disruptions that can course alter of the election dates. Article 19 Sub article 8; Student in his or her final year of study at the point of election is not qualified to contest for any position. Article 22 Sub article 1; Nomination papers shall be picked from the electoral board from the period after the house has been declared vacant or dissolved by the speaker with specifications on the date for the electoral college, representatives, student governing council and congress and take place in a span of two weeks. Sub article 2 of same article; nomination feel shall be non- refundable. The Last was article 13 Sub article 4; that the name school based students should be changed to institutional based students.

An interesting highlight in the resolution was that first years who previously were only allowed to vote, will now be eligible to contest during SAJOOUST elections.

The office of the dean of students has maintained a close working relation with the Student Association by not only facilitating the student activities such as electioneering process but also ensuring the success of the just concluded workshop.  The dean of students thanked them for their participation and wished them well in their endeavors.