University News


JOOUST Dons were taken through the anti-plagiarism (PlagScan) training, the scan engine software that would help check on the submitted works of their students. Through the initiative named iWIN (inform with Integrity), the firm who are experts in Education Technology led a two-day training for the post graduate students, dons and faculty members.

The DVC Academic Affairs, Prof. Joseph Bosire challenged the Dons to embrace technology and use it more in delivery of lectures. He admitted that students in this generation are more exposed to new developments in technology. “Today you write your lecture topic on the white-board in class and before you introduce it, the students shall have browsed using their cell phones and have everything about the topic sometimes more than what you had gathered.” Said Prof. Bosire.

Victor Murage, an Education consultant under Dimension Education who was the lead trainer added his voice in persuading lecturers to be up-to-date with the ever changing technology in order to be at par with their students.