University News


This was the theme that resonated during this years’ Girl child day that was celebrated all over the world. The event was marked with pomp and colour in Siaya County by Dignitaries, schools, NGOs and Government actors.

The event hosted by the University attracted schools from around the region in a celebration that was officially graced by Her Excellency, Dr. Ida Odinga who was the Chief Guest. Dr. Ida encouraged the girls to be ambitious and be the best version of themselves. She urged the girls to avoid the easy lure of wealth that come at an expensive cost that has recently resulted into deaths of young promising girls.

Prof. Joseph Bosire, the DVC Academic Affairs, who represented the Vice Chancellor asked the girls to utilize the opportunities available for them to have the best of their dreams in life. He said this while alluding to the fact that the Girl child is already empowered through policies put in place by the government like the gender rule. Prof. Bosire affirmed that ladies are very intelligent and can always have their way at will.

The event saw various schools that included, Maranda High School, Lwak Girls, Mbaga Girls, St. Oda School for the blind, Bondo Township among others who entertained the guests with poems, songs and dances that resonated with the theme of the day.

Among the guests in attendance were the Deputy Governor Siaya County, Dr. James Okumbe, the 1st Lady Siaya County Rosella Rasanga, Prof. Jackline Oduol, Nominated Member of Parliament and Ms. Elizabeth Ondere, Manager KCB bank Bondo.

The yearly event is organized by key stakeholders on matters Girl child in the county and hosted by the University through the Gender Mainstreaming and Development Committee chaired by Dr. Benson Odongo and Prof. Mildred Ndeda the Director, Centre for Gender Mainstreaming and Development.