University News


Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology hosted the first Siaya County Health Conference themed: “Health Research for Evidence-Based Health Care in a Devolved System”. The Conference was organized by The County Government of Siaya through its’ Health Department.

Speaking during the official opening of the event at the University’s Assembly Hall, the Chief Guest H.E Dr. Mohamed Kuti, the Governor Isiolo County, who also doubles up as the Chairman of Health Committee in the Council of Governors, applauded the organizers of the conference terming it a move in the right direction and challenged other counties to learn from Siaya.

Speaking during the event, Dr. James Okumbe, Siaya County Deputy Governor noted that the County had engaged various partners in its quest to address Health concerns within the County, among the partners are PATH, CDC, CHS, World Vision, KMET, PEPFAR and Impact Research and Development Organization among others.

Prof. Dr. Kama Rogo a lead Health Consultant for the World Bank, termed Siaya as a county with many firsts. Prof. Rogo challenged Siaya professionals to lead by example by giving back to their homeland the top expertise they have. “Siaya is known to be the home of brains. Most respected health professionals come from Siaya. It therefore beats reasoning that we still lose our members even from simple diseases like malaria.” Paused Prof. Rogo as he gave his Key Note address at the Conference.

While representing the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Stephen Agong’ at the Conference, Prof. Benson Estambale, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research, Innovation and Outreach, assured the researchers that the University is ready for any meaningful research partnership that would make a positive impact in the community and beyond.

The three - day event brought together academia and health professionals in the Health Sector from all over the Country.