University News


Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology has received book donations from Text books for Change, a company based in Canada. JOOUST was privileged to receive approximately 23,000 titles in core subject areas from the 260,000 textbooks currently donated to campus libraries across the globe. The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Stephen Agong’ accompanied by Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs Prof. Joseph Bosire acknowledged the team spirit exuded by the library department towards building the University book collection. Council member Dr. Jonah Kangogo, joined the celebration noting the relevant book titles.

University Librarian,Dr. Festus Ng’etichbriefed the University Management and Deans of Schools who were in attendance on the scope of the donation. He further gave a breakdown of the subject areas as, Social Sciences, Science,Agriculture and Ecology, Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Science, Business, Economics, Finance and lastly Medicine.The library has previous received generous book donations from Non-Governmental Organizations such as the United Nations, World Bank, UNESCO, with the most recent being from Books for Africa based in the United States.