University News


Members of the Corruption Prevention Committee were taken through a 2-day training on Ethics and Integrity by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC).  The training was conducted by the team form the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission based in Kisumu led by the in-coming Western Regional Manager Mr. Ignatius Wekesa.

While opening the training, the Vice- Chancellor Prof. Stephen Agong’, said that the University was committed to fighting the vice through sensitization such as this. “The University Management is at the forefront in addressing corruption at the University through eliminating corruption prone areas.” Mr. Wekesa outlined the corruption areas in the University and said that focus had now been put on Procurement and Finance departments. “Accountability and transparency measures should be put in place.” S\said Mr. Wekesa.

The Western Regional Manager, Mr. Wekesa, congratulated the University for its commitment in the fight against corruption through the committee. He termed corruption areas facing Universities as nepotism, embezzlement of funds, procurement issues and chronism.

The topics that were discussed include: - Corruption trends, obligation of State Public Officers under the Leadership and Integrity Act 2012, Sealing Corruption loopholes in Public Procurement, Corruption Prevention Tools and Strategies, role of Corruption Prevention Committee in Mainstreaming Ethics and Integrity and Identifying and Sealing Corruption Loopholes in Public Financial Management. The Members of the Committee include the Top Management and other Senior University Staff.