University News


Two third year students, Risper Karimi Njeru pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in International Tourism Management and Lucy M. Kawira pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Special Needs and English Literature represented JOOUST in the Study of the United States Institute (SUSI's) -Women in leadership program at the University of Delaware from 23rd June to 28th July, 2018 as the first pioneer exchange students of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology. They were nominated alongside one student from Maseno University (Judith Owuor) to represent Kenya in the program after a rigorous interview on Friday, 26th January, 2018.

The two underwent the short term intensive academic program whose purpose is to provide groups of Undergraduate student leaders with a deeper understanding of the United States while simultaneously enhancing their leadership skills. Sponsored and organized by the United States department  of Education and Culture Affairs , the program attracted a turn up of  80 participants in Washington DC at Georgetown University for the opening conference .20 participants each went to Delaware University, St. Mary's College , Kansas University and Green River College .

Risper and Lucy representing Kenya, were among the 20 ladies from Liberia, Uganda ,Cote d' Ivoire ,Sierra Lieonne and Zambia .They were exposed to a balanced series of seminars ,discussions, readings, group discussions , group presentations and lectures. Class work and activities were complimented by educational travel, site visits, leadership activities and volunteering opportunities with the local community.

The two were awarded certificates and are planning to implement social projects; Chagua Uhai Initiative by Risper Karimi Njeru and Lucy M . Kawira advocating for Hearing impaired.

The JOOUST fraternity wishes them well.