University News


Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology officially launched Promoting Awareness and Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Education and Community based Programmes (PAPPS) on Wednesday the 15th of August, 2018  at the County Commission headquarters in Siaya. The project was launched by the Vice Chancellor Prof. Steven Agong’, in the company of Siaya County Director of Education Japheth Masibo, County Commissioner Siaya County Mr. Michael Ole Ntialal and coordinators of persons with disability programmes at county level.

While giving his remarks, Vice Chancellor Prof. Agong’ demystified the myth of a university being an ivory tower by echoing that JOOUST was changing this by integrating persons with disabilities into the University community. He added further that the University has an open door policy that encourages interaction with members of the community from all walks of life.  “You are the voice of the people” added Mr. Ntialal as he addressed the audience that zealously took notes during the meeting.

In attendance were Chiefs from sub counties within Siaya County, who were given the mandate to reaching out to the persons with disability as the awareness starts from community level.

This project comes to life after JOOUST and five collaborating partners secured funding from the National Research Fund to conduct Action Research in Promoting Awareness and Participation of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in education and other community based programmes in Siaya County, Kenya.  The team behind this phenomenal project is Dr. Charles Omoke, who is also the Principal Investigator, Prof. Joseph Bosire, Prof. Benson Estambale, Dr. Ruth Otieno, Dr. Pamela Raburu, Dr. Washington Wachianga, Dr. Henry Onderi, Mr. Fredrick Oluoch and Dr. Mary Onditi.

The research will focus on Siaya Country predominantly based on statistical data which shows Siaya having a high prevalence of persons with disability in the country. The partners in collaboration with the University are Sabatia Eye Hospital, Deaf Aid International, National Council for Persons with Disabilities, Leonard Chesire Disabilities and Ability Africa Foundation. The projected attracted a funding of 18,930,000 Ksh. The project’s implementation phase involves establishment of infrastructure and establishment of a Skills Lab for Special Needs and Inclusive Education. The team hopes to have the project successfully implemented and concluded in two years.