University News

Schools elect Deans in peaceful elections

The dons of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology have peacefully elected their School Heads in a peaceful election process conducted at the University’s Assembly Hall today 13th July, 2018.

The election that attracted 100% voter turnout drawn from ten schools that is School of Agriculture and Food Science, School of Informatics and Innovative Systems, School of Engineering and Technology, School of Mathematics and Actuarial Science, School of Health Sciences, School of Education, School of Spatial Planning and Natural Resource Management, School Business and Economics, School of Humanities and Social Science and School of Biological and Physical Sciences, had 16 out of 18 candidates who had shown interests in becoming deans of the above mentioned various schools fight for those positions.

The deans election in six out of ten schools was however not vigorously contested as the new deans of the said schools went unopposed and hence clinched their positions. The following deans were the lucky ones to collect their dean titles on a silver platter: Prof. Fred Amimo –Dean School of Health Sciences, Prof. Regina Nyunja –Dean School of Biological and Physical Sciences, Dr. Michael Oloko –Dean School of Engineering and Technology, Dr. Patrick Hayombe –Dean School of Spatial Planning and Natural Resource Management, Dr. Michael Nyagol –Dean School of Business and Economics and Dr. Samuel Okuro –Dean School of Humanities and Social Sciences.

The following four schools however faced a stiff competition from the interested candidates; School of education had three candidates with, Dr. Jack Ajowi clinching the position, School of Mathematics and Actuarial Science's, Prof. Omolo Ongati retained the title, the most preferred dean in the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences was Prof. Reuben Oyoo Mosi. There was no outright winner in the School of Informatics and Innovative Systems after two of its three candidates, Dr. Ogara and Dr. Raburu had a tie.

While official releasing these results at the end of the process, The Returning Officer Prof. Joseph Bosire who is also the DVC Academic Affairs congratulated the dons for keeping their dignity in the whole process and also stressed that the elections were done in accordance to the regulations and procedures guiding the election of deans. Prof. Bosire has also thanked the members of the election board and all other officials who were involved in conducting peaceful elections.