University News

“Keep Off Alcohol and Drug Abuse” Staff told

The staff of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology has been taken through a sensitization workshop on Anti Alcohol and Drug Abuse.

Prof.  Washington Olima, the DVC Planning Administration and Finance who was the chief guest for the occasion acknowledged that alcohol and drug abuse is a serious problem that needs immediate attention. Prof. Olima has challenged the staff to embrace alternative ways of controlling alcohol intake and drug abuse as advised by the specialists. He also advised that we need to be quick in reinstating colleagues who may be affected or infected by drugs.

While giving her opening remarks at the beginning of the workshop, the Registrar in charge of Planning and Administration CS Rosemary Ngesa said alcohol and drug abuse is the common enemy in our society and the country at large and should be fought tirelessly. She added that it should be kept away from our workplaces if we must have a stable human resource that would ensure high productivity.

In his presentation, the facilitator, Mr. Maxwell Onditifrom Gilead Sanitarium Centre urged the staff to eat informatively and not eat for satisfaction as away to curb drug dependacy. He reiterated the need to adopt vegetarian lifestyle as the best way for drug rehabilitation among the addicts. Mr. Onditialso added that the best cure for drug abuse is by setting pace to the community and embracing openness on the vice since it a source of poverty.

The workshop organized by Directorate of AIDS Control, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention (ACADAP) of JOOUST was aimed at sensitizing members on various ways of drug abuse, drug independence, impacts of drug at work, and family and possible ways of prevention and management of drug addiction.