University News

JOOUST to represent Kenya in ENACTUS World Cup

JaramogiOgingaOdinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST) emerged top during this year’s Enactus Kenya National Expositionand was announced the 2018 National Champion. This was held in Pride Inn Hotel Nairobi on the 8th of June 2018, hosting 33 Universities both in the private and public sectors. JOOUST Entrepreneurial Action for us All (Enactus) project Panda Kenya, stood out as the most creative and impactful community oriented project. The team will proceed to represent Kenya in San Jose in the USA for the Enactus World Cup from 9th-11th October, 2018.

The Panda Kenya project aimed at supporting current government efforts to increase forest cover in Kenya, improve on community livelihood and food security. Its implementation took two phases; First, to rehabilitate land and forests towards increased farm productivity; and secondly to provide the community with a renewable source of energy in offsetting charcoal burning by production and use of water hyacinth briquettes.

The team participated at the National competitions for the first time in 2017 where they scooped the 2nd position, much to the surprise of older teams and were nominated the most active team. The team’s Faculty Advisor MerrilynChizangaKiaka who is also the founder of Enactus JOOUST Chapter, was nominated the Faculty Advisor of the year. The team was granted a US Dollar 1,000.00 award, by Ford Motor Company Fund last year and this year respectively.

Speaking while receiving the trophy, the Vice-Chancellor Prof. Stephen Agong’ reiterated the University’s’ commitment to increase forest cover in Siaya County. He said that the University in line with its Corporate Social Responsibility agenda, would strengthen community oriented initiatives and projects for the benefit of the society while addressing challenges that face them.

“All through the year, the students have volunteeredtheir time and skillsto impact lives via community development projects, trainings and thematic events.” Said Prof. Agong’. Each student led team implements community development projects, which are then presented to business leaders during the annualEnactus Kenya National Expositionfor evaluation.