University News

JOOUST drama club triumphed in the just ended Kenya National Drama festivals that took place in Moi Girls and Lenana School in Nairobi County

JOOUST Drama Club triumphed in the just ended Kenya National Drama festivals that took place in Moi Girls and Lenana School in Nairobi County. The unshakable and disciplined team garnered 5 trophies in the categories as listed below:

1. Best item on Good Governance and Management practices

2. Best item on Enhancing our National Values

3. Best Narrative on National Cohesion and Integration

4. Best Narrator 2ND Runners up.

5. Best Actress Runners up

While receiving trophies at the main campus Bondo, the Vice Chancellor Prof. Stephen Agong' congratulated the Drama team for their excellent performance and has pledged support for such teams to help them realise their full potential while exhibiting their talents.


The dean of students Professor Christopher Obel Gor who also accompanied Students have challenged them to take seriously performance arts as it pays more than some professional careers.

The team was also congratulated by UNESCO Officials from the Kenyan Commission who came visiting in the University on official duty.