University News


Students Association of JaramogiOgingaOdinga University of Science and Technology (SAJOOUST) were taken through a leadership training focusing on leadership and management for a world class university student shortly after assuming office.

The well-organized event was coordinated from the dean of student’s office headed by the Dean of Students, Prof. Christopher Gor, who also was the one in charge of the lead sessions.

The students were taken through important issues that were geared towards setting them apart from student leaders from other Universities. The intense 3-day training focused on key areas of leadership that involved topics covering, students personal security within communities and the nyumbakumi initiative, student leaders diplomatic training and etiquette and the promotion of the Institution’s corporate image, social media and the press; what is it for the student leader?, Instruments of University Governance and the Students leaders Constitutional dispensation, academic integrity and Implications for student leaders, understanding student diversities and communities as a basis of open engagement and peer guidance and reinvigorating student finances under transformative leadership; How to fund raise and the role of tuck shops.

While opening the workshop, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic Affairs, Prof. Joseph Bosire urged the leaders to stand out from the crowd and be counted as student leaders who made a difference during their stint at the University. Members of the University management who also gave their remarks included, Prof. Benson Estambale, DVC (Research, Innovation & Outreach), DVC (Planning, Administration and Finance) Prof. Washington Olima, Principal Kisumu Campus, Prof. Francis Angawa, Registrar, Planning and Administration, CS. Rosemary Ngesa, Registrar Research, Innovation and Outreach, Dr. PartrickAkaukwa, Dr. Walter Akuno,Registrar Academic Affairs.


The trainers touched on areas that needed intervention on students as managers and role models for their fellow students. The trainers included Mr. Peter Quest of Peter Quest and Associates, Mr. Nelson. M. Njiri General Manager (Security) Kenya Airport Authority, Keziah Ogada, Ag. Corporate Communications Officer, Mr. Rodney Oluoch, University Legal Officer, Dr. Walter Akuno, Registrar Academic Affairs and Prof. Henry Embeywa.

The resounding message throughout the training was that student leaders need to carry themselves with decorum and dignity and promote the image of the University as its ambassadors.

Also present during the event was the senior assistant dean of students, Mrs. Anastacia Apondi, Mrs. Violet Barasa, Mr. Tobias Ochodo, Mr. Bruce Osaka and Mr. Dan Owano, from the dean of student’s office, office of the Vice-Chancellor was also represented by Mr. Patrick Olela, Mr Godfrey Binaisha, Mrs. MourineObuar, Ms. Kiren Gailey of office of DVC Academic Affairs, were instrumental in making the event successful.