University News

The Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation Group Linkage Research Team

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Group Linkage research team paid a courtesy call to JaramogiOgingaOdinga University of Science and Technology on 8th December 2017. They were cordially welcomed by Prof. Joseph Bosire, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs).

The research team has established a research center at JaramogiOgingaOdinga University of Science and Technology that will deal with environmental health of Lake Victoria and other water reservoirs in Africa using lessons learned from Germany and China. The first allotment of research instruments, apparatus and basic research apparatus have arrived in Kenya and will be commissioned soon. These research instruments and apparatus are a donation to JOOUST.



The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Group Linkage research team comprises the following researchers:

  1. Dr. Dr. Schramm Karl Werner: HelmholtzZentrumMuenchen, German
  2. Dr. Stephan Kueppers: ForschungszentrumAnalytikJülich, Germany
  3. Dr. Yawei Wang: Chinese academy of Sciences, China
  4. Dr. Joseph O Lalah: The Technical University of Kenya
  5. Silas C. Lagat: JaramogiOgingaOdinga University of Science and Technology, Kenya
  6. Solomon O. Lugasi: Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, Kenya
  7. Patrick Ssebugere: Makerere University, Uganda

Through this research linkage program, students and researchers from JaramogiOgingaOdinga University of Science and Technology will benefit from basic and advanced research techniques including short/long research stay that will allow analysis of their work using advanced technology. In addition, young bright researchers willhave an opportunity to link up with advanced laboratories from member institutions that will help solve the problem advanced sample analysis. The research team is open to all areas of research including basic sciences, applied sciences, social sciences and education. Prof. Schramm is interested in the use of computer technology simulation technology for toxicological analysis/mapping