University News



The National Research Fund (NRF) is a statutory body established by Science Technology and Innovation Act No. 28 of 2013. The Fund is mandated to facilitate research for the advancement of Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I) for National Development.

NRF is pleased to announce the National Call for Research Concept Notes. The call is a strategic response to promote multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary research among national innovation delivery agencies to increase investments in research and experimental development to address societal challenges and catalyze socio-economic growth.

Multi-disciplinary and Multi-institution research teams from both public and private institutions are invited to submit Concept Notes for consideration. Proposed projects should clearly demonstrate strategies of how to address varied challenges facing the society. The objectives of submitted concept notes must be in line with national priorities expounded in the Vision 2030 with more emphasis on research which will contribute new knowledge applicable to either Universal Health Care, Food and Nutrition Security, Affordable Housing as well as Industrialization, Manufacturing and Agro-processing; the Research should also address issues under Sustainable Development Goals as well as the Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA 2024) which is the blueprint for Africa’s long term Agenda 2063.

Towards this end NRF invites Multi-institutional and Multi-disciplinary research teams from public and private institutions in Kenya to team up and submit CONCEPT NOTES for consideration. The budget per the proposed project must not exceed Kenya shillings twenty million (Ksh 20,000,000/=) for a period of three years. Each application must be submitted by a team of researchers from at least three (3) different institutions. The Principal Investigators (PIs) who have benefited from the same category under the 1st NRF Call are not eligible.

The objectives of this call are to;

  • Promote collaborative solution-based scientific research to address societal
  • Generate tangible products and services to increase the country competitiveness
  • Creating opportunities for generation of new technologies, transfer and adoption
  • Increasing application of research findings and innovations for employment creation

Expected Outputs:
New knowledge that is scalable to useful products and services that will address the challenges in the aforementioned priority areas. Each project MUST produce at least 6 PhD and 6 Masters degrees at the end of the project (the grant will only cater for the Research component).

Interested researchers who wish to participate in this national research competitive grant programme can download the application forms and call guidelines from the NRF website
The deadline for submission of concept notes
is on Wednesday, 18th February, 201817:00hrs. All eligible submitted Concept Notes will be subjected to peer review process by external merit reviewers. Shortlisted applicants will be notified by April 2018 to submit full Proposals for review. The list of successful applicants of full proposals will be posted in NRF website to notify the public by end of June, 2018. Successful projects will be funded under the budget allocation of 2018/2019 Financial Year, as from July, 2018.

Submission of applications in the official form must be in both soft and 3 hard copies. Applications must have the title of the grant programme which isCOMPETITIVE RESEARCH GRANTS’

Any concerns should be addressed to Dr. Roselida Owour via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Duly filled applications forms to be submitted to the below address:
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Chief Executive Officer
National Research Fund
Utalii House, 9th Floor, Room 932
P.O. Box 26036-00100