University News

INSEFOOD holds inception workshop

The University’s Africa Center of Excellence in sustainable use of insects as food and feeds held its inception workshopThe University’s Africa Center of Excellence in sustainable use of insects as food and feeds held its inception workshop from the 5th-6th October 2017.The inception workshop saw the University and its international partners converge to chart a way forward on areas of collaborations and partnerships.

The workshop which was opened by the University’s’ Chairman of Council, Dr. Walter Ongeti saw over 10 partners and potential partners who included the ACE11 colleagues, MoiUniversity, partners,icipe, KIRDI, MMUST, JKUAT, the National Museums of Kenya, Sanergy Limited, Makerere University, Copenhagen University, Bobo-Eco Farm Uganda, Elsevier, Mammah Uganda among others.

 ,“Spend much of your valuable time in writing fundable research papers and proposals rather than wasting your precious energy in part- time teaching across Universities.”This was the message to the University dons by Dr.Ongeti

Daily Nation Article: Bank funds research into edible insects

The chairman of council challenged his audience who were majorly drawn from academics and research related fields to engage their full potential in research activities in which he said, they stand a chance to gain more in terms of finances as well as knowledge expansion. He said that it is time lectures stop chasing after a few thousand shillings from Universities as part- time lecturers which also takes a longer time before they can actually get it and then use it again on the roads as they travel from one university to another.

Sharing from his experience from a recent field trip to the Chinese academy of Sciences and Shang Tao University in the company of the Vice-Chancellor Prof. Stephen Agong’ and the project Director Prof. Adrian Mukhebi, the trio were able to observe the collaboration between Universities and industries. This collaboration has seen China grow and raise its economic bar.“When research is linked to innovation and Innovation linked to Industry then that is a best practice that will enable a country grow in all its dimensions.” Said Dr. Ongeti.

The University’s Africa Center of Excellence in sustainable use of insects as food and feeds held its inception workshopHe challenged researchers to benchmark with colleagues from developed countries as an eye opener that will help them see research in a different perspective.

On his part, the Vice- Chancellor, Prof. Stephen Agong’ emphasized on the importance of the inception workshop as it provides a platform for free interaction with partners and stakeholders who are key for the success of the project. Prof. Agong’ called on task leaders to maintain the zeal they had from the beginning when the university received the request for proposal that saw the University win the grant. He said, “I remember the days when some of us had to burn the midnight oil just to make sure that we submit the proposal even at the last minute to the expiry of the deadline.”



The Director of the Africa Center of Excellence Use of Insects for Food and Feed (INSEFOODS) Prof. Adrian Mukhebi used the opportunity in his opening remarks to take the participants through the Center’s Organogram and also highlighted the standards set by the World Bank that must be met for the continual disbursement of funds.


The University’s Africa Center of Excellence in sustainable use of insects as food and feeds held its inception workshop