University News

Council lunch


“Preserve your energy and be able to achieve the mighty task ahead which is to realize the University Goal”, this was the Chairman of Council’s word during a luncheon organized by the University Council at the University’s Hospitality grounds.The University Council held an interactive session between University staff and Council over lunch to share and bond as a team. The event involved having lunch and getting to know each other where staff had the opportunity to meet the new council. This is the first ever meeting between JOOUST University Council and staff since the inception of the University.

The chairman of Council, Dr. Walter Ongeti, has challenged the over 500 staff members present at the luncheon to stop wasting their precious energy in little things that would affect their ultimate performance in the most needed task of building the University to its greater heights.

The Luncheon that was also used as an interaction platform between the staff and the council, presented an opportunity forstaff to air out their views on how best they think the University management should be. The Chairman of Council while enjoying support of his members has pledged to consider the contributions from the staff and do all in their power to ensure that the staff welfare is well taken care of.

The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Stephen Agong’ led the university staff in thanking the Council members for their ample time as he also requested for more of such meetings from time to time, terming it one of the best tools that can be used to bring everyone on board through the University’s development agenda.

The Chairman of Council, Dr. Walter Ongeti, introduced his team who included, Dr. Jonah Kangogo, Ms. Joyce Karinge, CPA, Ibrahim Mutembei, Dr. Mrs Ann Oburu and Ambassador Steven Loyatum. Dr. Ongeti urged members of staff were urged to do their part in making the University great. He reiterated that the new council was willing to engage with all its stakeholders with an aim of improving all areas of the University.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Stephen Agong’ heaped praise on the new council for this noble initiative and urged staff to be at the forefront in growing the University’s’ vision.