University News


JaramogiOgingaOdinga University of Science and Technology shone at this years’ ASK ShowJaramogiOgingaOdinga University of Science and Technology shone at this years’ ASK Show emerging tops in two major categories. The University was judged based on its innovations and technology based on the 2017 show theme, “promoting Innovation and Technology in Agriculture and Trade.”

The University scoped best overall in the best innovation and invention stand and in research and development. It also emerged second overall in Education and research stand that best interprets current show theme and the best University Stand.

JOOUST innovations stole the show include the automated fire detection and alert system, MoringaOleifera Leaf Meal Supplementation Egg quality, automated feeder, the simple portable biogas equipment and production; Extraction of Bio-Ethanol from Hyacinth as alternative source of Energy, converting intrusive plant biomass to briquettes, the milk cooling system, cage-fish culture technology transfer to community, Early warning Systems for Improved Human Health and Resilience to Climate-Sensitive Vector Borne Diseases in Kenya and the World Bank funded insefood project.

The show goes thronged the University stand to see the innovations among them being the ODM Nominee for Deputy Governor for Kisumu County Dr. Mathew Ochieng’ Owili, Regional Commissioner, Nyanza Region Mr. Wilson Njega and the Deputy County Commssioner Mr. Josephine Ouko, schools and other Institutions of Higher Learning.