University News



This is to bring to your attention that EnactusJOOUST students participated at the 15th National Expo for the very first time. The team competed against 17 Public and Private Universities.The projects they presented were:


  1. Trash is treasure-a project involving separating of trash at points of collection both within the university and in Bondo town. Paper waste collected is being sold to Kamongo waste paper recyclers, a company which recycles waste paper in Nairobi. They also plan to use plastic waste mixed with bitumen to make roads within the county. Lastly, Organic waste has been used to make abig compost next to the Estates department within the university and the manure produced is used in the University tree nursery and plans are to sell the next batch of manure to local farmers.
  2. Save food save life-a project involving using simple and traditional food preservation methods to reduce post harvest losses in Bondo. This includes the use of the Zeer pot (A traditional clay pot within a bigger clay pot)to preserve fruits and vegetables for up to 20 days, Sun drying of indigenous vegetables during the rainy season when they naturally grow in excess so as to make use of them during the dry season and finally making a fruit leather with overripe fruits so as to preserve them for a longer period.

These 2 projects have created employment for up to 60 women and youths in Bondo currently earning an average income of Ksh1800 per month.


  • First place went to Moi University and they get to travel to London in September to represent Kenya and compete against other countries.
  • JOOUST tookthe second place andreceived 2 plaques one for Opening Round Finalist and the other for 1st Runners Up.JOOUST also received a certificate for the most active team in 2017 and their Patron was elected Faculty Advisor of the year. All our students and Faculty Advisors also received certificates in recognition and dedication to taking entrepreneurial action and business innovation to create social impact.
  • UOE took the 3rd place and also received certificates for their team members.

The students also got to network with top employers like KPMG an international auditing firm and they were encouraged to fill in attachment forms from the organization which a sample is attached to this report.This was a great experience and good exposure for the students.Also attached is the Annual Report the team submitted during their presentation.