University News

Entertainment Galore as JOOUST Hosts Disability Day

JOOUST Disability DayThe University played host to its 3rd disability day that saw people with different disabilities interacting with each other as they entertained guests and fellow colleagues. The event which took place at the University sports pavilion saw both the young and the old mingle as they celebrated their different talents and abilities.

 The hugely successful event was officially opened by the Director, National Council of Persons with Disabilities, Hon. Mohammed Gabbow. While giving his remarks, he noted that the directorate was willing to work with Institutions that have a willingness to accommodate the “differently-abled” members of the society through practicable solutions that make their daily operations effortless.


The one-day event saw organizations, schools and community members from around Siaya County with different disabilities converge at the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University Sports ground to network and share experiences. In his opening remarks, the Vice Chancellor Prof. Stephen Agong’ in a speech read on his behalf by the Deputy-Vice Chancellor, planning, administration and finance, Prof Washington Olima said that the University would endeavor to continue supporting this worthy cause as it aims at tapping into an unexploited talent displayed by those with different handicaps.

The Vice- Chancellor said that the University was at an advanced stage of collaborating with the National Council of people with disabilities on setting up a center of excellence in disability mainstreaming. This centre would serve as a training ground for people with disabilities from across the region and beyond. Hon. Gabbow welcome the move saying that this could go a long way in training various professionals in the different areas for service to the country as a way of bridging the gap in skilled manpower that is currently being felt.