Dr. Edwina Syagga
Chairperson of Department
The Nursing & Biomedical Sciences combines the field of biology and medicine to focus on the health of both animals and humans. The teaching and research is interdisciplinary with a focus on basic biomedical research training with emphasis on clinical and translational outputs. The Departments teaching and research interconnects the fields of basic health research, individuals, communities, clinics and industry. The purpose of the research is to generate new knowledge to help in the treatment of diseases including malaria, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, communicable and non-communicable diseases and emerging infectious disease like COVID-19. The department is committed to training highly skilled epidemiologists and biostatisticians, able to work with public health institutes, ministries of health and international agencies. Our graduates are equipped with knowledge and skills to enable them to make solid contributions to solve the health problems facing humanity using technology and innovation.
The department of biomedical sciences has state-of-the-art laboratory space and an elaborate inventory of common use laboratory equipment to assist students during practical’s.
BSc Biomedical Sciences and Technology
MSc Epidemiology and Biostatistics
MSc Biomedical Sciences and Technology with options in Parasitology, Microbiology, Entomology and Immunology
PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Academic staff
The experienced faculty deliver innovative and clinically relevant graduate teaching and supervision in the field of biomedicine, epidemiology and biostatistics. The research activities of the faculty span a range of disciplines.
Graduate students
The department has consistently produced epidemiologists expected to be at the forefront to improve health agencies level of preparedness, field surveillance, and response to disease outbreaks nationally and globally. The biomedical scientists have gone ahead to join industry, academia and research institutions.
The department is involved in several research collaborations and consortia including capacity building activities, COVID-19 pandemic studies and community-based interventions. The department has established linkages with partners from both county and national governments, research institutes, international academic institutions and industry to broaden its research outputs.
Contact us
Department of Biomedical Sciences,
Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology,
P.O. Box 210-40601, Bondo, KENYA
Email: Biomedical@jooust.ac.ke